Donate to ASTHA NGO

‘Astha’ needs your kind and compassionate support to change the lives of the poor girls. Your small contribution towards their upliftment and self reliance will help. Join us in our mission. Your engagement towards our cause will make a difference. Help us to make a direct impact in the lives of the poor, deprived and vulnerable sections of the society. Please donate

Please Donate for Elderly Care, Child Education, Orphanage, Women’s Welfare

ASTHA Popular Charity Projects

Child Education

Women Empowerment

Women’s Welfare

Health camp

Health Camp

Serving nutrition food to poor children

Serving nutrition food to poor children

Various employment based training programmes

Various employment based training programmes

Training to adolescent girls on anaemia, mensural hygiene and other health issues of adolescence

Training to adolescent girls on anemia, menstrual hygiene and other health issues of adolescence